Research Methodology
Ward Research is a full service market research firm providing research solutions and consultation in all market sectors. Ward Research can manage all aspects of a research project or we can help you with just one of the research tasks listed below.
Development of Research Objectives
Questionnaire or Screener Development
Questionnaire Programming
Data Collection
Focus Group Moderation
Data Tabulation
Data Analysis and Presentation
Strategy Consultation
Please contact us for a proposal and we will recommend the best methodology for your unique situation.
Surveys provide you with a tool to collect data from a large number of people or when using advanced statistical methods (e.g. conjoint, discrete choice, Max-Diff, regression, etc.).
Often called “quantitative” research methods, surveys are used when data needs to be projected to a larger population and/or when there needs to be higher level of confidence in the findings.
Ward Research can provide you with the expertise needed in conducting these survey methodologies:
Online Surveys
Click here to learn about The Hawaii Panel, the only online panel dedicated to Hawaii Residents.
Telephone Surveys
Ask us whether mobile phones need to be a part of your next telephone survey
Intercept Surveys
One of the best ways to survey Hawaii visitors
Mail Surveys
Ward Research not only has one of the top focus group moderators in the state, but also one of the largest and most comfortable focus group facilities in Downtown Honolulu. Our experience in recruiting a myriad of segments will also make your next project a success.
To obtain a proposal or, if you need help understanding what kind of research you need, please contact us.
Focus groups and in-depth research are used when questions and discussion need to stay open-ended in order to account for unanticipated areas of discussion. This includes one-on-one interviews, mini-groups, dyads, triads, and focus groups.
Often called “qualitative” research, this type of research is used when conversation and probing questions are necessary to truly understand the topic or problem at hand.
Not only does Ward Research have one of the top focus group moderators in the state, but also one of the largest and most comfortable focus group facilities in Downtown Honolulu.
Ward Research also offers Focus Vision web streaming so that your entire team can participate in the research without the large expense of traveling to Hawaii.
A well-designed evaluation process is important to the development of a program. Ward Research will work with your organization to develop an evaluation design that would be appropriate for you.
Evaluations help organizations to gain better understanding of program operations and effectiveness. Ward Research can work with your organization to:
Develop a formal evaluation design based on a logic model that links your identified needs, proposed solutions, and expected outcomes;
Produce evaluation tools, including mail, telephone and online surveys, to measure outputs;
Conduct one-on-one interviews or focus groups with program stakeholders;
Participate in direct observations; and
Compile and process data, and analyze the results.
Ward Research also provides other research services: mystery shopping, secondary research, and consultation.
Aside from surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews, Ward Research also offers the following types of research:
Secondary research (internal data, Census data, or other pre-existing data)
Mystery shopping